Theta Healing is a meditation training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for the improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit. It is one of the most powerful energy-healing techniques enabling you to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Everything you ever experienced in life matters at the deepest core of your being. Deep down, it all makes sense. And where awareness and understanding are, healing takes place. Theta Healing supports you to tap into clear answers and find and change the true core of re-occurring issues and physical or mental symptoms. It helps release those issues energetically where they started. The technique supports you in shedding old belief systems and trauma, symptoms of dis-ease and dis-balance and allows you to experience profound transformation on all levels of your being.
Empower yourself, tap into clear answers, shift on all levels and create the life you love!
The ThetaHealing technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Theta Healing aims to train and coach others on how to achieve a better life through the pure essence of love, to change the world, one person at a time and to show everyone their true connection to the Pure Life Force, The Power of Creation, Source Energy, God, The Creator of All That Is or however you want to address this energy of pure unconditional love. Theta Healing intends to bring forward the best in all people.
The technique is named after the Theta brainwave, one of the five main brain waves of humans. In this brain state, we can be aware of the real causes of symptoms such as physical illness or recurring adverse emotional patterns. Working with the Pure Life Force in the Theta brain state, adverse experiences and beliefs can be permanently changed and resolved.
Theta Healing practitioner seminars are designed for everybody who wants to learn and get deeper into the technique for use both on her- or themselves and others. It appeals to all religions and forms of faith.
The retreat (see retreat description and detailed course descriptions below) is a journey through the seminars you need to fully tap into the technique and clear core issues for yourself. All seminars not only empower you to work for yourself, but also allow you to officially facilitate this technique for others. Students get a certificate as a Theta Healing® Practitioner issued by Think Institute of Knowledge giving them permission to use ThetaHealing to work with clients if they wish to. To become an instructor, practitioners attend the official teachers' seminars that are exclusively taught by the founder Vianna Stibal.
Theta Healing Practitioners and Instructors form a growing, loving community all over the world.
Merry Walter
We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment the pain and trouble that.